Amazon: a nightmare story

In mid-February I published a new novel, 17 Alma Road. There are two versions, one paperback, one ebook.

On Amazon they have:

  • £11 paperback with correct ISBN
  • £4.99 Kindle version (but with no ISBN)
  • and a ‘rogue’ £5 ‘paperback’, which is actually the ebook (including ISBN) but mis-categorised by Amazon as a ‘paperback’

People are ordering the latter, not understanding that there is no such product. Indeed, Amazon’s website says it will be delivered in 6 or 7 months – so there should be a clue there… especially when they have the pukka £11 version ‘in stock’.

Via Chat (useless) and Customer Services (even more frustrating), I have tried on at least 6 occasions to get this corrected. All that needed to happen on their system was to change the format of the £5 ‘edition’ to ebook and it would have been accurate.

Amazon Customer Services have acknowledged that there shouldn’t be three versions, but are refusing to change the data even though I am the author and publisher. Some of their people (assuming they are people and not AI bots) don’t know the meaning of customer service… I have just emailed the UK Managing Director – but I daresay they will send my complaint to Customer Services who will send me the same ‘not our problem, Guv’ email for the fourth time.

I am very angry.

SO. If you have ordered a £5 ‘paperback’ version of 17 Alma Road from Amazon, please cancel your order and get your money back. They are trying to sell you something that doesn’t exist…and which will never be delivered.

For what it’s worth, Waterstones always gets it right.